August 28, 2008

Titanium and Platinum Sterling Spin ring /Kind of looks like a bearing

Just been making a customers order of a titanium spin ring that will be pierced out......I'm so organised for once that I've got my friend Mich to write this post for me..... Oh yeah....go team!!!
So the spinning part of the ring is pierced titanium, and the rest is a new alloy called platinum Sterling. The Platinum Sterling is 925 silver, with an alloy of 5% platinum. This alloy is pretty amazing. It has a better colour than normal silver and is extremely malleable.

The ring is not finished yet. I till have to do the piercing, and assemble it properly, But i thought i should take a photo, because when i pre-fitted it like this, it looked like a ball bearing. I thought this was quite cool as I used to use bearings in my work, and made a few pieces that resembled barrings.

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